Thursday, January 13, 2011


Ya know -- I don't really like to have followers, because if I DO have followers, then they're gonna read all the "New" stuff, and it won't be very exciting.  It'll be boring to just read me rambling away.

So maybe it's best that I have this new blog to just ramble on, and nobody will know about it!

This way, I don't feel so much pressure to "perform".

Today I taught a piano lesson.  I ditched Toastmasters.

I made dinner -- rice and black beans and cut-up Honey Crisp Apples.  Mmmmm.

I was going to go to the church and practice the organ, but since my husband won't be going to a meeting there tonight, I don't think I'll go either.  That way, we can spend more time together tonight.

Maybe we'll watch a movie.  Last night we watched "The Blind Side".  It's such a great movie.

But we do need to go to bed at a decent hour, so I don't know.

I think that's all for now.


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