Thursday, January 13, 2011


Ya know -- I don't really like to have followers, because if I DO have followers, then they're gonna read all the "New" stuff, and it won't be very exciting.  It'll be boring to just read me rambling away.

So maybe it's best that I have this new blog to just ramble on, and nobody will know about it!

This way, I don't feel so much pressure to "perform".

Today I taught a piano lesson.  I ditched Toastmasters.

I made dinner -- rice and black beans and cut-up Honey Crisp Apples.  Mmmmm.

I was going to go to the church and practice the organ, but since my husband won't be going to a meeting there tonight, I don't think I'll go either.  That way, we can spend more time together tonight.

Maybe we'll watch a movie.  Last night we watched "The Blind Side".  It's such a great movie.

But we do need to go to bed at a decent hour, so I don't know.

I think that's all for now.


Wednesday, January 12, 2011


I don't know what happened.

I had another blog spot, which is still in existence, but I can't access it!

I used to be able to access it via my Google account, but now, it won't let me in.

I had to create a new blog -- using my same Google account.

I don't understand the problem.

Anyway -- Now, I will have to contact everyone that I was "following" before, and ask them what their blog address is, and I'll have to add them all "again" here.


Oh well.

That's "the way the ball bounces".  Stuff like that happens sometimes.

I'll just "roll with the punches".

I haven't been posting anything for a while anyway.  I don't come here very often.  I should.  I suppose.

I need to exercise more too.  Exercise is more important, so if I have the choice between exercising and writing here, I will and should exercise instead.

I haven't exercised yet today.  I should be doing that.  I'll do it tonight.

It's 2:55 PM  right now.

I wonder how many random people just "happen" upon my blog every now and then.   : )

If you're one of those "random" readers, then Hi!  How are you doing?   : )  I hope you have a good day!

I'm going to sign off now and hang up some laundry, read some scriptures and make dinner.

See ya next time!